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White Belt

This page is for those students in the rank of white belt. 


A white belt is a student who has begun their dedicated journey into karate. They know how to bow and follow along in class. They have learned that they have to put in a little bit of work to see results and changes. White belts are usually the first people that are seen in the dojo. New students look up to them and want to get their uniforms. 


Any text that is under lined should have a link to you tube as a visual aide.  We have had to move the videos off the website due to the amount of videos we have. 


When to you use karate


Karate should be used to defend ourselves or someone else.  If you use your karate you need to make sure you parents and Sensei are notified about what happened. 


How to tie a karate belt.  Take the belt and place it evenly on your belly button.  You may want to consider have the elastic of your pants behind it.  Run the belt behind the back and switch hands and pull the belt around front.  There will be a link to a video at the end of the is paragraph. take the belts and make an x in front of you.  Take the bottom portion and put it behind the belt on the waist.  Pull this through.  Then make another x in front of you and pull tight.  Make the adjustments by pulling the belt around to where the knot is in front and centered.  Run your hands around the belt and make sure the two layers are on top of each other.  Here is the 

How to tie the belt link.


Below is the list of things that white belts should be working on.


Punches: how to make a fist, what part of the fist we hit with

Blocks: Inside, outside, down block, 

outside and inside sutose

spearheads, ridge hand, and palm-heel strikes



Front kicks, round kick, side kick



front stance, fighting stance, turning, switching

How to put on a uniform, tie a belt, and 



27 movements

Zhin shi kota


27 Movements page

Zhinshi kota page 

* To go to the next kata, you have to show me that you have all the moves for that kata, explain what the moves are, and teach someone that kata. Once this is complete, I will show you the next kata in class and then give you the passcode to watch it from the website. If you click on the name of the kata above it will ask you for a passcode. Enter it, and you will be taken to the page for that kata. 

As a reminder the foot that is called is the foot that stays still.  The other foot comes to that foot and then goes back out. For example if I called right from stance then the right foot stands still the left comes to right and the goes back a 45 degree.  The toes should wind up pointing forward.

How to turn 

blocks and punches

Kicking basics

27 Movements

27 movement- 

Purpose of the kata is to teach basic blocks and punches in a static form.  This was not an orignal kata from Japan but was adapted by Hanshi Dometrich


technical points the gi should snap with the punches, make sure to love before any over shoulder movements




  1. Upper block left 

  2. Upper block right

  3. Outside block left

  4. Outside block right 

  5. Inside block left 

  6. Inside block right

  7. Down block left

  8. Down block right

  9. Punch to the face left kiwi

  10. Punch to the face right kiai

  11. Right hip and on top

  12. Rotate to other side 

  13. Left hand over shoulder right hand rear elbow strike

  14. Right hand over shoulder left hand rear elbow strike 

  15. Upper elbow left

  16. Upper elbow right 

  17. Inside sustose left 

  18. Inside sustose right

  19. Spear hand to the face left-kiai

  20. Spear hand to the face right - kiai

  21. Side elbow left

  22. Left forward elbow to right hand

  23. Side elbow right h

  24. Right forward elbow to left hand 

  25. Reinforced elbow left

  26. Reinforced elbow right 

  27. Gi grab Kiwi

Step up Ymen

Zhin shi kota

Zhin shi kota- password 2nd kata


technical points




  1. Skeet 

  2. Right foot forward right hand solar plexus punch kiai

  3. Left foot forward left hand solar plexus punch kiai

  4. Right foot backward right hand solar plexus punch kiai

  5. Left foot backward left hand solar plexus punch kiai

  6. Turn 90 degrees right inside block 

  7. Left hand punch right hand punch

  8. Turn 180 degrees left inside block 

  9. Right hand punch left hand punch

  10. Down block right hand lift right leg

  11. Side kick right foot

  12. Down block left hand lift left leg 

  13. Side kick left foot

  14. Right hand punch to solar plexus

  15. Triple punch left hand right hand left hand punch to solar plexus kiai

Step up Ymen

Yellow belt requirements

Written Tests can be given in writing or orally to match the physical exam. Belt exams are $40 up to the brown belt, then they move to $50. Sensei has the final word on all belt tests and results. The payment is due before the exam and is only refundable if the student does not participate in class. If a student does not pass the test, the money will be given back to the parents. Stripes may be added to show a level of completion between ranks up to the green belt. Stripes can be used to denote a partial understanding of the test and will be added to the belt using electrical tape. Belt tests up to the rank of the brown belt are normally within the range of the class. The brown belt and black belt tests can take up to two hours and are intensive by nature. 



White Belt:

What does kara-te mean? 

Where does it come from? 

What is Chito Ryu Karate?

What country does karate claim as its home?


Yellow Belt

Who is the founder of Chito Ryu karate? 

What is the signature kata for Chito Ryu? 

What is the showa and be able to recite it

Count to 10 in Japanese 

Must get a 90% to get to the physical portion of the test

then the physical portion: 

Katas: 27 movements, zhinshi kota

Basic blocks and kicks- nothing has to be perfect. You have to be able to work past a mistake and keep going. 


List of expectations

The test started the day you came through the door on the first day

  1. Do they have their uniform on and tied properly - yellow belt 

  2. How do they treat other students- yellow 

  3. On the basics, are they sharp and crisp or just going through the motions- yellow

  4. Stances are they able to get into the proper stance and auto-correct themselves if they need to yellow

  5. Have them show the difference between a front stance and a fighting stance- yellow

  6. Can they turn properly? This is the one that gets most students in the beginning. If they can get this then they have the turns for most of the katas- yellow

  7. Kicks do I see four distinct parts- yellow

  8. Are they reaching with the correct part of the foot for kicking- yellow?

  9. Effort how hard are they trying- both

  10. If they make a mistake, do you then work past it-yellow? 

  11. Can they answer the required questions? -both white and yellow questions

  12. Need 90 % on the questions

  13. Expect to perform the test in a group but know the katas to where you can do it without seeing another person. 

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