This section of the website is designed for students to use as a how-to. We have added video links for kicking, blocking, first kata, and fitness. Students can and should take this page as an oppertunity to practice the basics. Students are asked to commit to 5 minutes a day of karate. This doesn't mean students have to physically exercise but giving time to study. Those students who dedicate this time advance the fastest. This helps not only in karate but teaching life skills for tests and other sports. As students become more advanced they learn the time they need to accomplish their goals.

Monthly newsletter:
A monthly newsletter is produced and sent out to all registered students. This gives updates on the studio, up coming events, and allows for the sharing of information. This newsletter is also posted to Google classroom. Google class is set up for all students who reach the green belt level. This is a place where students can share information, see the up coming classes, and ask questions. If you are a green belt and do not have access reach out to Sempai or Sensei and we will make that happen.

How to earn your White belt
New students come into the dojo for their first few weeks and decide if they like the class. After a few weeks, if a student decides they want to move forward they will need to be able to answer a few questions.
Question 1- What does karate mean? Fighting with an empty hand
Question 2- Where does karate come from? Japan
Question 3- What is our style of karate? Chito Ryu karate
Once a student can answer these questions, Sensei asks the parents if they believe they are ready for a uniform. The uniform will need to be taken care of and the belt can not be on the floor.
A formal test is given where I have the students answer the three questions in front of the class. If the parents have given me the size or used the uniform request page then I will present them with their uniform with a certificate. The cost of the uniform, certificate, and test is $40. This cost is paid before the test and is returned if the student does not pass.
The belts sections below are being added as the students progress. When a student moves up in rank there will be passwords to get into the belts. These are written on the back of the certificates they are given. You will need to enter it once you click on the belt.