Written belt test section:
This section of the web site is dedicated to the written portion of the chito ryu exams. I have make clickable documents that should work in Word or Notes for an Apple. I further copied and pasted the entire set of criteria for white, yellow, orange and green and pasted them to this page. I emailed the tests to each of you as well.
Dowload In Pages format:
Blue Belt
Brown belt
Green belt
Orange belt
yellow belt
Dowload In word format:
Yellow Belt:
Yellow belt testees will need to arrive 15 minutes. YELLOW BELT TEST
As a white belt, you may ask if you can test for a yellow belt, or the Sensei can tell you if you are ready. There is no requirement that you have to take the yellow belt test until you feel that you, as the student, are ready.
For students under 18, I will meet with your parents and make sure that they think that you are ready as well. I do this as it cost $40 for the test.
If a student does not pass the yellow belt, the money will be returned to the parents, and stripes may be awarded on the white belt based upon how they did.
There will be a google meets testing date for students who are sick or can’t make the testing date. The date for that will be the Saturday after the test. THE GOOGLE MEETS TEST DATE WILL BE DECEMBER 12, 2020. THIS GOOGLE MEETS TEST DATE IS SET UP FOR ANY STUDENTS WHO CAN’T MAKE THE TEST DATE, ARE SICK BUT STILL WISH TO TAKE THE TEST OR WHO ARE ONLINE STUDENTS.
Yellow belt expectations:
What am I looking for from the students in the yellow belt exam?
Did they remember to bow coming into the classroom, and did they find me and bow- both
Do they have there uniform on and tied properly
How do they treat other students?
On the basics, are they sharp and crisp or just going through the motions-
Stances are they able to get into the proper stance and auto-correct themselves if they need to
Have them show the difference between a front stance and a fighting stance
Can they turn properly? This is the one that gets most students in the beginning. If they can get this then they have the turns for most of the katas
Kicks do I see four distinct parts
Are the reaching with the correct part of the foot for kicking
Effort how hard are they trying
If they make a mistake do you then work past it
Can they answer the required questions? -both white and yellow questions
Expect to perform the test in a group but know the katas to where you can do it without seeing another person.
Know 27 movements and zhin shi kota
Be able to do 20 of fitness exercises.
Yellow belt questions:
You will be asked questions during the test.
Your questions will be asked verbally in class
Yellow belt questions
What does karate mean? Empty hand fighting
Where does karate come front? Japan
What is our style of karate? Chito Ryu karate
Who is our founder of Chito Ryu karate- Dr. Chitose
What is our signature kata? Seisan
Learn the Showa
We who study karate do must never forget the spirit of the Samuri with peace, perseverance and hard work we are sure to reach our goals
Orange belt test:
Karate is not just about learning blocks, punches, and kicks. It is also about applying and thinking about what you are learning, how it applies and developing it for you. As you move forward in the ranks, there were be more thinking and research completed by you.
The written test for the orange belt will be posted out on October 17th, 2020. You may take this test at any time. The written test needs to be submitted at least two weeks before the test date. I will remind you to submit the test, but ultimately it is your responsibility to remember. No written test turned in, no physical test was taken.
You will need to submit the test to me in some fashion that I can grade. This can include a written copy, email, google documents, or any other way that the Sensei can grade it. As I am using Google for most of the class, I will post this test to google meets so you may take the test at this location without having to print anything. If any reason you have a technical issue simply print your test, and I will hand grade.
The test will be graded and put into the Sensei’s corner for you to come and see what score is. The test will have your initials on them, unless you have the same initials, then you will have The first two letters of your first name and last initial. The score will be next to your initials. These tests will be placed in the testing vault to prevent students from copying each other. This test is an open book test. You may use any resource you can to get your answers. I will tell you that all of the answers are on the web site that was created for the class. By taking the test, you are indicating that you wish for me to test you for the rank of an orange belt. If you got 90% or better you will be ready to test on the belt test date. You must have your test in two weeks before the test.
These belt tests are not about competing with those around you. It is about how much you have improved and learned the material. Concentrate on yourself during the test, and what you know. Pay attention as other students might give you an answer to the test that you forgot.
Orange belt expectations:
Did they remember to bow coming into the classroom, and did they find me and bow- both
Do they have there uniform on and tied properly
How do they treat other students?
On the basics are they sharp and crisp or just going through the motions-
Stances are they able to get into the proper stance and auto-correct themselves if they need to
Have them show the difference between a front stance and a fighting stance
Can they turn properly? This is the one that gets most students in the beginning. If they can get this then they have the turns for most of the katas
Kicks do I see four distinct parts
Are the reaching with the correct part of the foot for kicking
Effort how hard are they trying
If they make a mistake, do you then work past it?
Can they answer the required questions? -both white and yellow questions
Expect to perform the test in a group but know the katas to where you can do it without seeing another person.
Be disciplined during warm-up, no unnecessary talking, jumping, wiggling, or moving.
Holding onto your key chains during class.
Your KIAI’s should be decisive and powerful
You will be expected at some point to do your best kata for me without me counting.
Fitness is 30 across the board
Each student will be expected to teach at least one section of the class. You come up with the exercises and keep going until Sensei relieves you.
Must have taught all six of katas at least once to someone
Pass the written test
You should be able to answer any written questions in class.
Orange belt written test
Name First name ____________________Last name ____________________
Date of the written test______________
Date you started karate____________
Belt that you are testing for ___________________________
Sensei’s name ___________________
As this is the written test, all students should be mindful of the goals and expectations of karate. We are not learning karate to hurt people or learn new tricks. Karate is a disciplined art that requires us to learn things that can hurt people. By taking this test, I (FIRST NAME)_________________ that I will uphold the standards and trust established by Chito Ryu karate and that which has been passed on to me so far. I will treat everyone with respect and honor those who have come before me.
What does karate mean?
Where does karate come front?
What is our style of karate?
Who is our founder of Chito Ryu karate
What is our signature kata?
Write out the Showa.
What is kata mean?
What are the common mistakes in 27 movements?
What are common mistakes in Zhin Shi kota?
10.What is kata mean?
11.What are common mistakes in 27 movements?
12.What are common mistakes in Zhin Shi kota?
Your Initials ______________ Sensei reviewed date _____________. Score __________
Green belt test:
Karate is not just about learning blocks, punches, and kicks. It is also about applying and thinking about what your learning, how it applies, and developing it for you. As you move forward in the ranks, there were be more thinking and research completed by you.
The written test for the green belt will be posted out on October 17th, 2020. You may take this test at any time. You will need to submit the test to me in some fashion that I can grade. This can include a written copy, email, google documents, or any other way that the Sensei can grade it. The test will be graded and put into the Sensei’s corner for you to come and see what score is. The test will have your initials on them, unless you have the same initials, then you will have The first two letters of your first name and last initial. The score will be next to your initials. These tests will be placed in the testing vault to prevent students from copying each other. This test is an open book test. You may use any resource you can to get your answers. I will tell you that all of the answers are on the web site that was created for the class. By taking the test you are indicating that you wish for me to test you for the rank of the green belt. If you got 90% or better you will be ready to test on the test date. You must have your test in two weeks before the test.
Given that the orange belt is the only rank that can be skipped. The expectations for the green belt will be high.
These belt tests are not about competing with those around you. It is about how much you have improved and learned the material. Concentrate on yourself during the test and what you know. Pay attention as other students might give you an answer to the test that you forgot.
Did they remember to bow coming into the classroom, and did they find me and bow- both
Do they have there uniform on and tied properly
How do they treat other students?
On the basics are they sharp and crisp or just going through the motions-
Stances are they able to get into the proper stance and auto-correct themselves if they need to
Have them show the difference between a front stance and a fighting stance
Can they turn properly? This is the one that gets most students in the beginning. If they can get this then they have the turns for most of the katas
Kicks do I see four distinct parts
Are the reaching with the correct part of the foot for kicking
Effort how hard are they trying
If they make a mistake, do you then work past it?
Can they answer the required questions? -both white and yellow questions
Expect to perform the test in a group but know the katas to where you can do it without seeing another person.
Be disciplined during warm-up, no unnecessary talking, jumping, wiggling, or moving.
Holding onto your key chains during class.
Your KIAI’s should be decisive and powerful
You will be expected at some point to do your best kata for me without me counting.
Fitness is 40 across the board
You should be able to hold a move in kata for up to 60 seconds and pick up where you left off when the Sensei starts counting again.
Each student will be expected to teach at least one section of the class. You come up with the exercises and keep going until Sensei relieves you.
Must have taught all six of katas at least once to someone
Pass the written test
Written test for Green Belt
Name First name ____________________Last name ____________________
Date of the written test________________
Date you started karate____________
Belt that you are testing for ___________________________
Sensei’s name ___________________
As this is the written test, all students should be mindful of the goals and expectations of karate. We are not learning karate to hurt people or learn new tricks. Karate is a disciplined art that requires us to learn things that can hurt people. By taking this test, I (FIRST NAME)_________________ that I will uphold the standards and trust established by Chito Ryu karate and that which has been passed on to me so far. I will treat everyone with respect and honor those who have come before me.
You should be able to answer any question from the written test in class.
What does karate mean?
Where does karate come front?
What is our style of karate?
Who is our founder of Chito Ryu karate
What is our signature kata?
Write out the Showa
What does kata mean?
What is the transmission of knowledge, and how does it happen?
What are the common mistakes in 27 movements?
What are common mistakes in Zhin Shi kota?
What are common mistakes in the H form katas?
Why do we have H Forms?
The next two questions are open-ended. This means you have to think of an answer and write a few paragraphs explaining your answer. This can not be a one-word answer. There is on word count for these questions, but I expect to see thought in these questions.
Explain karate as a ground fighting system- open-ended question
What does becoming a green belt mean to you?- open-ended question
Blue Belt test
Welcome to the Blue Belt testing for Total 360 karate
Name of applicant:_________________________________________
Date of test: _____________________________________________
Pre-test taken: yes or no
Invitation received: yes or no
Date you started karate: ______________________________________________
Length of time as a green belt: _________________________________________
This portion of the test, is the written test. All students are expected to get a 90% on this test to show Sensei they have learned the material. When you submit this test it is a sign to the Sensei that you will be taking the physical portion of the blue belt test. All blue belt tests must be turned in two weeks prior to the testing date. The blue belt testing is a very unique testing and will require a special class. There will be no make up or secondary date for this testing. The next blue belt testing is scheduled about three to four months after the first one. If the Sensei does not receive your test by the designated time you will not be allowed to take the test. This is a closed door test, which means the general public is not invited to the test. They are invited to the promotional ceremony. Family members of any student testing and special invitees are permitted for this testing. If you do not get a 90% on the test and have enough time to resubmit the test, you may do so. It is recommended that you do not wait until the last minute to submit the test. The testing fee is $40. This will cover your belt, certificate and your second weapon.
What does kara-te mean?
Where does it come from?
What is Chito Ryu Karate?
What country does karate claim as its home?
Who is the founder of Chito Ryu karate?
What is the signature kata for Chito Ryu?
What is the showa and be able to recite it
Who is the US founder of Chito Ryu karate?
What does kata mean?
Why do we have the H form katas?
11. What is the transmission of knowledge and how does it happen?-
Essay 1:
Explain karate as a ground art-essay question- This question will require an explanation by you the student. It can not be written in a few sentences.
Must read Endless Quest prior to the test- these next five questions come directly from the book.
12. Where was Dr. Chitose born?
13. Who is Hanshi Dometrich?
14. Where is the US Chito Ryu Federation home?
15. Who is the current head of the US Chito Ryu Federation?
16. In Japan in the 1950’s and 1960’s what was the first kata learned?
Research question
17. Besides our dojo what are three of the closest Chito Ryu dojos?
Essay 2:
Explain the bunkai for Shi ho Hai in written form-essay question. In order to given an answer that meets the requirements. You may have to define what a bunkai is and then explain it for Shihho hai. Again this is an answer that will require thought and explanation and can not be done a few sentences.
18. Who is the current head of the International Chito Ryu from Japan?
Research question:
19. Trace the linage from O’ Sensei to Sensei Rodgers- This can either be drawn by hand or created through a computer program.
20: Explain the hardest thing you have learned in Total360 karate.
Write out in Japanese counting 1-100.
Final essay question
Explain the Chito Ryu crest-essay question
Your essays or explanations will make the difference in this test between passing and not passing.
Total points: 120 by questions is 120
Total points for the test is 200 (80 are given in the essay questions)
Passing score is 180.
SCORE : ______________________
Brown belt
Expectations of Brown belts
-Be a role model both in class and outside of class
-Willing to help in different situations
• Having a winning attitude regardless of the
•Uses words to calm situations not actions
• Mastery of the basics of karate
• Devotion to community
This is a comprehensive test, and it will require a lot of research.
*Students must have a minimum of 9 months in the rank of a blue belt. It is
recommended students have a year in the rank of a blue belt.
The brown belt test will be submitted through google classroom due to the
amount of paper and resources you will need to complete the test. The test
will be given out to potential brown belt applicants about six months before
the test. This will allow time and thought to be put into the answers.
As this is a written test, all students should be mindful of the goals and
expectations of karate.
We are not learning karate to hurt people or learn new tricks. Karate is a
disciplined art that requires us to learn things that can hurt people. By taking
this test, I (FIRST NAME)_________________ that I will uphold the
standards and trust established by Chito Ryu karate and that which has been
passed on to me so far. I will treat everyone with respect and honor those who
have come before me.
1. What does kara-te mean?
2. Where does it come from?
3.What is Chito Ryu Karate?
4. What country does karate claim as its home?
5. Who is the founder of Chito Ryu karate?
6. What is the signature kata for Chito Ryu?
7. What is the showa and be able to recite it
8. Who is the US founder of Chito Ryu karate?
9. What does kata mean?
10. Why do we have the H form katas?
11. What is the transmission of knowledge and how does it happen?-
Essay 1:
Explain the use of karate as a ground art-essay question- This question will
require an explanation by you, the student. It can not be written in a few
sentences. You need to demonstrate you understand the concepts. * While
your answers from your previous test may still work as a brown belt applicant
they may have changed. *
12. Where was Dr. Chitose born?
13. Who is Hanshi Dometrich?
14. Where is the US Chito Ryu Federation home?
15. Who is the current head of the US Chito Ryu Federation?
16. In Japan in the 1950s and 1960s, what was the first kata learned?
Research question
17. Besides our dojo, what are three of the closest Chito Ryu dojos?
Essay 2:
Explain the bunkai for Nesis and why is this kata so important in a written
form-essay question. To give an answer that meets the requirements. You may
have to define what a bunkai is and then explain it to Nesis. Again this is an
answer that will require thought and explanation and can not be done in a few
18. Who is the current head of the International Chito Ryu from Japan?
Research question:
19. Why should I take Chito Ryu karate?
20: Explain the hardest thing you have learned in Total360 karate.
Write out in Japanese counting 1-100.
Explain the Chito Ryu crest-essay question
21. Reading material- Art of War -
22. Peaceful Warrior-Dan Millman
23. One more martial arts book students choose- you must explain your
choice and relate it to karate.
24. Why are we reading a book about a peaceful warrior?
25. What does it mean that it is about the journey, not the destination?
Explain the title: The Art of War
Give 10 examples using the concepts from the book the Art of War- these can
be verbal
26 Chito Ryu crest- explanation, why don’t we use the crest or have the Crest
on our uniforms
27. All commands in Japanese for class Include greetings for hello, thank you
very much- understand them and know what they mean
28. Read the US Chito Ryu Federation website in its entirety
29. Who created 27 movements
30. Who created zhin shi Kota
31. Who created H form 1 -4
32. Who created shi ho hail
33. Who created Seisan
34. Who created Nesis
35. Discuss the evolution of each kata you know so far in detail from when
you started until now. You may present this as a slide show, bunkai
application demonstration, or written form. * While your answers from your
previous test may still work as a brown belt applicant they may have
changed. *
36. Historical genealogy of karate? May attach to the breakdown in katas
through a slide show.
37. Can we use another style concept or even learn another style to protect
ourselves? Essay question
38. How has karate improved you as a person. Explain your greatest
achievements and weakness during the time you have been learning karate. If
you had to explain to someone why they should take karate, this would be the
essence of the question. Essay question
39. How can you apply the concepts in karate to other parts of your life?
Essay question
40. Explain the belt ranks in karate and what it would mean to achieve a
brown belt.
The written test is a 100-point test, you will need a 90%. You can get more
points in your essay sections to help if you struggle with other areas.
Contribution to your community- must have approval from Sensei before.