The format for a common class
15 minutes prior to class
Sensei walks in the door and sets stuff down to then bow to the floor
Sensei bows to the senior student and then to the rest of the class
Chito Ryu class start up Japanese -15 minutes
bowing in Shugo
Sieretsu- Assemble
Sieza- sitting on the balls of the feet or flat
Mokuso-Praying with Japanese commands Sensei timed
Mokuso Yame- Closing of praying
Shomen ni Rei- Face front and bow
Sensei ni rei - Face Sensei and bow
Kiristsu- Stand up
Warm up running in circles 5 minutes
Surest- Return to original lines
Dynamic stretching 5 min
Static stretching 2 min
Combination blocks
Ridge hands
Sutoses both
Challenge section- 15 minutes
This section is dedicated to hard and transforming yourself, your body and mind through use of body weight exercises. These sections include push ups, sit ups, leg lifts, plank, mountain climbers, squats, jumping jacks, jumping lunges, standing knee to opposite elbow and optional exercise walking lunges
Stances and kicks -15 minutes
leg warm ups 5 minutes jumping jacks, jumping lunges
Dynamic leg stretches
Static leg stretches
front stances
fighting stances
Switching and turning
Cat stances
Back stances
Season dacha
front kick
defensive front kick
Round kick
Defensive round kick
Side kick
Shuffle up front kick
Shuffle up side kick
Step behind side kick
Step in front side kick
Hook kick
Front leg sweep
Kicking drills
1-10 drilll
Foot on wall drills
Front kick to round kick
belt kicking drills
Katas- 15 minutes
Can be a review of a previous kata, a new kata or a combination there of.
Weapons katas
dynamic warm ups 5 minutes
Dynamic stretching 5 minute
Weapons katas
Closing of class 10 minutes
- need a complete closing of the class using Japanese
Shugo- bow
Seritisu- Assemble
Mokuso yame
Showa- We who study Karate- do. Must never forget the spirt of the samurai, with peace and perseverance and hard work. We are sure to reach our goals
Sensei reflection
Shomen ni rei- Face the front and bow
Sensei ni rei - bow to the Sensei
Otagai ni rei- face your partner bow
Kiritsu- stand up
Counting in Japanese
1 inchi
2 ni
3 san
4 shi/yon
6 roku
7. shichi/nana
8. Hachi
9. Ku, kyuu
10 juu
11-19— Juu plus the original
20-29 - ni juu
30-39- san juu
40-49- yon juu
50-59- go jug
60-69-roku juu
70-79- nana juu
80- 89- hachi juu
90-99- kyuu juu

Photo by Thao Le Hoang on Unsplash
Photo by Thao Le Hoang on Unsplash