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  • Writer's pictureMichael Rodgers

Yoga's connection to the body

I remember starting yoga and being told to listen to my body. " Feel the movement in your body." This concept was abstract for me. I came to class to try something new and see if it worked. Looking back, I realized I did not give the attempt the proper attention.

This article will cover the importance of your connection to your body. Athletes know what works for them, and where their range is. Athletes know when they need to stretch. The same concepts apply to yoga, but it is a subtle process.

An easy exercise I find to remind myself of my connection is to take a Warrior base pose. The back leg is straight, and the front leg has a bend in it. From here, you should notice you begin to feel a sensation in your front leg as you continue to hold the pose. The longer you hold the pose, the more sensation you will feel. This sensation is a connection to your body.

The sensation is a feeling that something is working in our body relating to muscles or movement. In Yoga Nidra, I can feel the energy moving around. In Pranayama, I can feel breath tracing parts of the body.

The goal of yoga is to unite you with your body. The body, mind, and spirit come together in harmony and balance. The Yin and Yang Circle is balanced. Does the Yin/Yang Circle have a soft or gentle side and a hard side? The recognition of these differences can help you learn to find balance. In society, we are often consumed with the idea of doing more and resting later. There is an ebb and flow to how the human body works. Your body has a time of day you get tired and must rest.

The connection can occur in the asana, but I find a deeper connection occurs when you learn to feel the breath, use Mindfulness, and build from the inside out. A link in a chain can not do as much as being a part of the chain and being used as a whole.

Yoga opens this door of connection to the body and allows us to develop an understanding. Take the time to feel in the poses and remove all the distractions. Be present in the moment and ask yourself how does it feel. Even the smallest step of connection is learning. Continue to build your connections in your body.

Be Well, Eat Smart Training Hard. Namaste

Michael Rodgers


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