Each journey in PYB is unique and special. All students should recognize that no two students are the same. When we focus on what we are doing and realize each day is a chance to become better connected to ourselves and the world we make a difference.
This page will have the class agenda's attached as well as the frame work for the current year. Within the frame work we will be moving and flowing to find ways to allow for connection and flow.

Class theme
Fall theme: Patience and Sensation.
Balance Cues

Breathing is something that is automatic in our bodies. We often forget we can help or retrain our bodies to breathe in a way that assists. Through proper breathing we can help our bodies receive nutritents, remove wastes, calm ourselves and bring ourselves to a place of peace. In Yoga, breathe work is primarily through the nostrils.
Seek a point which is not moving and place your concentration here. Steady your mind with your vision. Engage the core muscles.
Our core is one of the fundamental location for stability, energy development and protection. One of the main tenants of PYB is to work the core muscles in every class.