Intentions and goals are vitally important to the success of any exercise program. Imagine if you are exercising for no real purpose. Why am I doing this leg lift, why am I running?
The emptiness that embodies a session with a goal is endless. Total 360 recognizes the importance of goals and stresses the importance of setting them.
I have changed the word goal to intention for our students. You can have a great class without setting an intention, but when you put your mind toward accomplishing an intention the focus reminds you who you are and drives you.
Our instructors attempt to remind students to set an intention for each class. These intentions can be set by you and internalized. Ask yourself at the end of class: did I meet my intention?
This may seem small but it helps us work toward our bigger view. As a Mindfulness coach we can set our heartfelt desire for each day, a week, a month or overall. When we move throughout life we can ask ourselves if we are meeting our heartfelt desire.