Our Offerings
Total 360 has multiple offerings. Our goal is to meet you where you.
The PYB class is a group style class which combines the elements of Yoga, Pilates and Balance in a manner which allows students learn themselves. This offering is set up through the City of Prescott Valley at
This is generally in person, an online component is being added for registered students.
The cost is $30 a month
Classes are generally outside weather permitting. For more information on what PYB is click on the icon.
Yoga Nidra is a type of guided meditation. It allows for the comparison of opposites, deep relaxation and mediation to help the body and mind re-build. Sessions are $50 for 30 minutes.
Sessions can be done Online, phone or one on one in person.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule. Classes can be scheduled as a group or one on one. Generally Yoga Nidra is taught inside or within a space that allows a client to relax.
For more information on Yoga Nidra is click on the Yoga Nidra.
Yin yoga is a slower version of yoga which is designed to be done cold. Yin Yoga works to compressed body parts, work the tendons and ligaments and allow for the transfer of nutrients to and from areas of practice. Yin poses typically are held between 5-7 minutes a pose. Yin yoga helps with energetic blockages and prepares the body for other transitions like meditation or yoga Nidra.
Sessions can be done Online, phone or one on one in person.
Yin yoga can be done as a class or one on one. Group rates are $100 per class or one on one $100 per sessions.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule.
Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is a regenerative type of yoga. Restorative Yoga helps the body to rest and recover while trying to calm parasympathic nervous system to help heal. Restorative yoga is slow and you may only see 4-6 poses in a class. Each pose his held for about 20 minutes. Restorative yoga helps with healing the body.
Sessions can be done Online, phone or one on one in person.
Restorative can be done as a class or one on one. Group rates are $100 per class or one on one $100 per sessions.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule.
Pre natal Yoga
Pre natal yoga is designed for persons that are pregnant who wish to continue practicing yoga. The poses are designed around a clients progress in pregnancy. Further clients can also take this class a post pregnancy class to establish a connection between new self and baby. It is recommended clients consult with their primary care doctor before beginning.
Sessions can be done Online, phone or one on one in person.
Pre natal yoga can be done as a class or one on one. Group rates are $100 per class or one on one $100 per sessions.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule.
Total 360 One on One yoga is specifically designed for each individual client. This takes into account each person's goals, injuries and experiences to create a program that helps re-connect, ground, and learn who they are.
Sessions can be done online or in person
Individual Sessions are $70 per session 55-75 minutes.
Book at myfitPod.com
Classes can be scheduled inside or outside based individually.
This offering is designed to provide yoga instruction for clients who have experiences which would require a trauma based approach. Classes can be in a group or may be better served in a one on one setting. Individual Sessions are $100 an hour. Group classes are $100 per session.
Sessions can be done Online, phone or one on one in person.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule. Classes are taught inside or outside depending on the client. For more information on what Trauma Informed Yoga is click on the icon
What is your heartfelt intention? Do you get caught up in a cycle where you are caught in continued patterns. Let's break the patterns and reframe your awareness around things that are true.
Sessions can be done Online, phone or one on one in person.
The online classes will be available starting in October of 2023,
Sessions can be done Online, phone or one on one in person. Sessions are can be 30 min ($40) or 60 minutes ($60). Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637
Adaptive Yoga
Adaptive yoga is designed in any of the previous formats of class. Adaptive uses blocks, bands, chairs, walls and other items to help clients participate. Clients who are injured and can only sit, clients who are returning from surgery or clients who are disabled. There is no special price for adaptive yoga, clients should let the instructor know and adaptations will be brought in for the class they desire.
Total360 Yoga has an online platform for all of the options to choose from. Burn Along at https://well.burnalong.com/
Pranayama is breathe work and focuses on multiple facets of breathing, building lung capacity, reducing anxiety and building structure around our breathe. Pranayama is used every day but we consciously do not think of our breathe. The breathe is the on conscious and unconscious control aspect in our body that can help regulate our system. The journey in Pranayama begins in each moment.
Pranayama work is done as a class or one on one. Group rates are $100 per class or one on one $100 per sessions.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule.
Somatic Healing
Somatic Healing is identify holdings in the body that can create anxiety, impede our paths, disregulate our systems . Somatic healing is a journey using tenants of Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Pranayama, Trauma Informed principles while guiding clients to take control of the moments, identify them and help to self regulate. Somatic healing may have activation moments.
Somatic healing sessions are one on one. Group rates are $100 per class or one on one $100 per sessions.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule.
Vinyasa Flow
Vinayasa flow is a yoga style that allows for a more fluid movement of class, using transitions, poses, breathe work to build heat while teaching flexibility, body control and tempo.
Vinyasa flow classes may be done as a class or one on one. Group rates are $100 per class or one on one $100 per sessions.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule.
Self Coaching
Self coaching is the application of techniques in Pranayama, meditation, journaling and building a program within you that you can use to help self regulate, balance your system and keep yourself prepare for your day.
Self coaching classes may be done as a class or one on one. Group rates are $100 per class or one on one $100 per sessions.
Contact Michael Rodgers at Total360@rocketmail.com or text 9287079637 to schedule.
Hot Yoga
Hot yoga used the tradition base of yoga, terminology and challenges students focus through complexities of poses while building confidence within all within a warm environment. The way this class is structured is this is the beginner or fundamentals class where students can learn poses and take them to a Hot Yoga studio and understand a class.
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